Monday, January 16, 2012

Block of the Month , here I come!

Last year, a lot of quilt a longs and block of the month groups came and went. I oohed and ahhed and considered joining, but I didn't feel my skill was at the right level yet. I didn't want to get too frustrated trying to enjoy myself!

I did decide to join the Farmer's Wife group last year. And I love the two blocks I made. But I haven't progressed past that point (YET!).

I joined the Swoon-along, and then without much thought, I joined the HST Block of the Month group hosted by Jeni at In Color Order.

I'm really happy with my first block! I'm looking forward to the directions for February's block!

1 comment:

  1. I just popped over form the sewing summit google groups. I really want to do the HST BOM, but I have so many things I'm doing. I don't know if I can add anything else. I'm going to have a look around your blog and follow you. I hope your having a great day!
    January T
